TBIF (Thank Buddha It's Friday)

Onward Ho!

pro·gress verbprə-ˈgres

Definition of PROGRESS

intransitive verb
: to move forward : proceed
: to develop to a higher, better, or more advanced stage

TBIF #2:  Progress

As we wrap up the calendar work week, let’s reflect on progress.  There’s just nothing like the FEELING progress provides.  It is the act of moving forward, no matter how fast or slow, that keeps we crazy human beings happy.  Yes, happiness and progress go hand in hand.  

We need this feeling that progress brings – it makes us feel worthy, hopeful and excited.  It helps keep us inspired.  Progress, in all its forms, makes us believe in our project, purpose and in ourselves. 

Just think about it – think back on a time when you made some sort of advancement – in a home improvement project, in that quarterly report at work, in your diet program, or in your personal development….didn’t it make you feel good?  Didn’t it make you feel (again, even if it’s in a very small way) proud of yourself?  Because it should.  And you know why?  Because every step you make forward is valuable and impressive.

It reminds me of the funny quote “Even a kick in the ass is a step forward.”  Now that’s a Buddha Balboa attitude!

Who knew that progress meant so much?  Journey on my friends. – BB