you only live once


Book of Days #4

Book of Days #4

February 9

You only live once – but if you work it right, once is enough.

–Joe E. Lewis

I especially like this quotable from my Book of Days because it’s an opposing notion to the common belief that we all want to live forever.  With our cultural obsession of longevity in full swing, there aren’t many viewpoints spouting once is enough.  It is highly possible, that when it’s our time, we will feel complete…that our bucket list is (mostly) checked off.  And that we are okay with our passing.  It’s hard to imagine, I know, but I sometimes try to go there in my mind – hoping it’s a time when I’m quite old – and feeling a wee bit tired.  I imagine that I have a sense of peace instead of urgency with this life – and that I’m looking ahead to the next “chapter” of whatever this existence (or non-existence) holds.