
TBIF (Thank Buddha It's Friday)

TBIF (Thank Buddha It’s Friday)

Ahhhh yes…it’s that glorious day of the week for the traditional worker….Friday!

And why do we look at Friday differently?  Because as a culture we have come to view it as the marker of freedom – from our jobs, our daily grind, our weeklong drudgery.  Yuck.  Why have we done this to ourselves?

Yes – is it nice knowing that now we have some “free” time to enjoy our other pursuits – that of relaxation, dinner with family, hobbies and sports?  Yes, it is.  Have we come to believe that the weekend, days off, are our time to be who we really are, without the confines of cubicle culture?  Yes, we have.

Although that’s lovely and all – I don’t think I want to hear “Happy Friday” from anyone anymore.  I want to hear, “Happy that we are alive and have jobs and have our health and have love and look how fortunate we really are Day” from my office mates and fellow street passengers.  Wouldn’t that be refreshing?!

The truth is – Buddha Balboa get’s it.  There are 2 sides to just about everything.  BUT – if we flip the perspective coin and let every day land heads up, then every day can be our personal Friday.  Every day can be a chance to be who we really are…to be thankful for what we have…and to look forward to work as well as play.  It’s all part of the same circle.

So, with that in mind, Thank Buddha It’s Today. – BB