two cents

Two Cents Tuesday

Two Cents Tuesday

Buddha Balboa is starting Two Cents Tuesday– a day I/we get to throw our 2 cents into the fountain. 

We all have something to say.  Our two cents.

I think it is the fundamental need of people – to be HEARD.  Listened to, yes, but moreso heard.  How else can you explain the explosion of blogging, Twitter, Facebook, reality television and YouTube?

So today I have some “cents” to spend…

First impressions are everything.  Nothing else needs to be said here.  Make a good one.

You either exude a positive or a negative energy about you…make that choice.  How do you want to be known?

Awesome quote – “Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.” – Gandhi.  Most of us have heard the first part – to live each day to it’s fullest, as if it’s your last….BUT, learn as if you were to live forever?  How cool is that?  That message – to keep learning….and my belief, is that as long as you live, if you are open to it, you WILL keep on learning…evolving.  Life is a learning experience.  We don’t reach some invisible finish line where we should stop absorbing, questioning, wondering.  Being curious is being alive.  Learn everything – learn as if you were to live forever.  I love it.

That’s three cents actually.  Inflation.  And I have a lot to say.

Send me your 2 cents worth – what’s on your mind? – BB