Buddha Balboa

TBIF – Thank Buddha It’s Friday

TBIF – It’s summer and a Friday…who wants to be working?

I offer you this to ponder today and over the weekend:

Darren Rowse, blogger, thinker, speaker (creator of said he asks himself this question at the end of every day – “What gave me energy today?”

Great question….really great question.

I love the way he phrased it – that instead of asking what he’s passionate about or what his passions are, that he looks for what gives him energy – what he refers to often as “the spark.”  Think about it for a second.  What gives YOU energy?  What excites you with that energy to move forward, to investigate, to learn….to keep reading, to figure out…that thing that gets you up early each morning or keeps you up all night?

It’s different for all of us.  What excites one person may bore another.  But we all have that energy producing interest that lights our brains on fire.  Darren suggests we fan the flame and watch it grow.

Make a list – without thinking – just put down things that get you goin’….and see if there is a connection or a path they take you.  And then follow it.

Cool, right?  Gives me energy just thinking about it! – BB