


Be – don’t try to become.  Within these two words, be and becoming, your whole life is contained.  Being is enlightenment, becoming is ignorance. – Osho

My friend passed this Buddhist quote by me recently and I wanted to share it.

Everyone has their own interpretations of quotes and principles – none more correct than the other, as each is personal.  So to me, this idea is about the simplicity of being human.  That we are, by our very nature, good and whole without having to “become” something.  That we all should spend more time just “being” – that which we are…and finding peace within that. 

But I also think that becoming is part of the circle…each day we are becoming more enlightened, growing into the people we want to be.  Nothing wrong with that in my book.  I can’t help but use the reference of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly…naturally…as it was meant to.  Moving from one form to another.  Our life is contained within that arc – being who we are and becoming what we are meant to.

So a little Buddha Balboa philosophy here seems to be the right formula for a life well lived – a little bit of “being” mixed with a dash of “becoming” equals an amazing you. – BB