Mel Stuart

TBIF (Thank Buddha It's Friday)


TBIF #3 – Shine Your Light

I just read that Mel Stuart, the director of “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory”, died yesterday.  So as I was thinking about this Thank Buddha It’s’ Friday post, it was clear what I should write about. 

Although I do not know Mr. Stuart (or even much about his career), I do know that he touched a large number of us.  Not in a personal, have a cup of coffee together way, but in an intangible, memory-making way.  He steered the ship of an iconic film that will live forever.

Willy Wonka remains to this day a wonderful childhood memory for me.  I loved watching it and still find I get delighted should I come across it when channel surfing.  It is poetic and dark, uplifting and creative.  Many of the references jet-streamed over my head when I was young – in particular this wonderful (altered) Shakespeare quote from the Merchant of Venice – “So shines a good deed in a weary world.”  Mr. Wonka, almost inaudibly, mutters these words as Charlie walks away after having done a good “deed” in leaving behind what could have been security for his poor family.  Charlie is the light in a corrupt world.

What’s amazing about this film is that the basic principles of right and wrong are cleverly disguised in a colorful, kooky way.  Oh, we get the message very clearly, but it’s woven with such thoughtful precision that we aren’t aware of the magic of the final tapestry until it’s revealed in this one line.

The original Shakespearean quote is, “How far that little candle throws his beams!  So shines a good deed in a naughty world.”  We are each a small candle that, when lit, can provide enormous light to those in our path.  Each good deed, no matter its measure, is illuminating. 

Mel Stuart shared his light with us.  It is our duty to carry on the torch. – BB