Forrest Gump

Buddha Balboa

Life is like a roller coaster…

The fictional character Forrest Gump said “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.”  And this is true.  We can all identify with that sentiment because more often than not, life does treat us to unforeseen events – we don’t know what we’re gonna get.

Chocolates, yes – but I see life like a roller coaster, with dips and trips at every bend.

The roller coaster phenomenon is an either/or proposition – it’s met with either a squeal of glee or an inaudible tightened grimace.  It inspires excitement as much as it instills fear.  When we are children, the mere thought of a roller coaster ride is like that of being offered a candy bar – sweet and adrenaline producing.  Kids have little to no fear of being tossed around like a corked bottle in an angry sea.