Father Time

Buddha Balboa

Unfinished Business

Good intentions.

We all have them.  I have them every day.  I suspect you have a list of them as well.

As I was cleaning out my email Inbox, I noticed all those emails – offers, classes, promotions – that I just never got around to doing.  I save them as “unread” with the expectation that I will get back to them, and partake.

I want to…I really do.  But I also know there is only so much time in the day, hours in my week.  Time management appears to be one of the greatest complaints of our modern society.  “I don’t have enough time” is uttered more than “Please” and “Thank you”.  Many a final thought before falling asleep is what we didn’t get done that day.  We are overwhelmed and underpaid by our dear friend Father Time.

So, what do we do about it?

Perhaps we just do what I did with my emails – I deleted them.  I got ruthless for a few minutes and deleted all those that had either been sitting there too long, or that I just knew I could “let go” this round.  There’s only so many shows I can buy tickets to, seminars I can attend, or Walkathons I can donate to before I hit the saturation point.  I see it like the fine art of whittling – when you take a basic tree stick and fashion it into an amazing utensil, perfect for hotdog roasting over a campfire.  Scrape away what you don’t need and get to the “point.”

It’s a difficult task, I know.  We go through this while spring cleaning our bulging closets; when scheduling the kids school and sporting events on the refrigerator calendar.  We run up against the ole clock, time and time again, praying for just a few extra minutes.

I give you permission to let go of unfinished business (not that you need my permission, but it helps to get the friendly nudge.)  To understand that there are ALWAYS going to be things left undone – and that it’s perfectly okay to do so.  The universe will understand, I promise.

What unfinished business can you delete from your list?  Let me know. – BB