

Walking Contradiction

If sometimes you feel like you are a walking contradiction, then welcome!  Welcome to the human race.

The idea that life or morals or principles are black and white is absurd.  Life is not either/or, it is AND.  This AND that, you AND I.  There is no one way to go, no cookie cutter recipe to follow.  It is subjective – all through how you were raised, what your parents and teachers told you, what the media wants you to believe.

But you are more than that.  You can be excited and scared, happy and sad, bold and timid all in the same soul package. 

I feel contradictory on a daily basis.  Sometimes I’m feeling kind and the next moment I’m feeling frustrated.  One minute I can be understanding, then next not so.  No – I’m not crazy, I’m human.  I have feelings and emotions.  I don’t want the same thing all the time.  I am growing, changing and learning which essentially makes me a constant contradiction of myself.  You could’ve loved ice cream all your life and one day it doesn’t taste as good anymore.  You can enjoy dressing up in your finest clothes, but also look forward to wearing sweatpants and a baseball cap.  You can appreciate sleeping in your fabulous bed but also get excited to go camping in the dirt.

I see contradiction as development.  An ever evolving idea, thought or opinion.  A growing individual who is inspired to learn and take chances and fail.  You have the right to change your mind.

Embrace what it means to be contradictory.  And by this I don’t mean “talk out of both sides of your mouth” to please the masses – I mean understand and accept that inside each of us is whole lot of gray. – BB