TBIF (Thank Buddha It's Friday)


It’s a rainy Friday here in NY….and I think that’s perfect for today’s Thank Buddha It’s Friday.

Although rain can be a bit of a nuisance in our lives – wet clothes, soaked shoes, bad hair – it really is essential to all living things.  Without the rain, we wouldn’t have any clothes to dry, shoes to air out, or hair to brush.  We, as a species and a planet, would not exist (as we know it, at least.)

I’m still awed by the miracle of rain every time it happens.  It reminds me of science class, learning about evaporation, cloud formation and condensation, and how crazy it seemed that nature just did these tasks all on her own, without prodding or pushing.  She just did it (regardless of our objections.)  How cool is that?  Nature has a way of being its own cyclical sprinkler system, its own garden hose, to keep the land moist and alive.

Yes, sometimes the rain has its way with us – battering our umbrellas, homes and sea walls – which can be quite devastating at her worst.  Yet nature does not mean us harm.  Her only job is to sustain herself and keep the rain coming – so that future generations may splash in her puddles.

Thank you clouds. – BB



Be – don’t try to become.  Within these two words, be and becoming, your whole life is contained.  Being is enlightenment, becoming is ignorance. – Osho

My friend passed this Buddhist quote by me recently and I wanted to share it.

Everyone has their own interpretations of quotes and principles – none more correct than the other, as each is personal.  So to me, this idea is about the simplicity of being human.  That we are, by our very nature, good and whole without having to “become” something.  That we all should spend more time just “being” – that which we are…and finding peace within that. 

But I also think that becoming is part of the circle…each day we are becoming more enlightened, growing into the people we want to be.  Nothing wrong with that in my book.  I can’t help but use the reference of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly…naturally…as it was meant to.  Moving from one form to another.  Our life is contained within that arc – being who we are and becoming what we are meant to.

So a little Buddha Balboa philosophy here seems to be the right formula for a life well lived – a little bit of “being” mixed with a dash of “becoming” equals an amazing you. – BB
Two Cents Tuesday

Pass the Honey

It’s Two Cents Tuesday…

Let’s recall the great expression – you get more bees with honey than with vinegar. 

It doesn’t take a college degree, or a high IQ, or lots of money to be nice.  All it takes is common sense.  I see it as Life 101.  If you’re kind to people, and speak to them with respect, you will never go wrong.  In business, in relationships, at the bank, in the grocery store, to strangers and family members – treat people as you would want to be treated.

I know it’s not easy to do all the time – or to do with people who are mean or negative or who have hurt us – but it’s in those moments we need to rise above it and continue to act in kindness.  One of the first things we teach our children is to say please and thank you – we ingrain it in their daily responses.  It’s important not to take those simple words for granted – because they can be as precious as gold.

And really, what does it take to be nice?  Nothing but a little thought – that’s it.  I sent an email to a business contact recently,  inquiring about an opportunity for her client….her response was “He’s not available.”  That’s it…no “Thanks for asking”, or “I’m sorry, he’s not available” – no warmth at all (I do understand tone is difficult to read in an email).  The reality is this person doesn’t care what I think and that’s fine….my point is that it would’ve only taken a second to add a word of courtesy, to alter the tone and thus alter my opinion.  And more importantly, to just be nice.

Here’s the deal – if we treated everyone as equals, as fellow human beings trying to make their way in this life, we would all be better off.  We would feel better about ourselves – and our friends, family and co-workers would feel better too.  Don’t just treat the boss nicely and speak disrespectfully to your co-worker.  Don’t speak harshly to a family member or a good friend.  You can say what you have to say, even if it’s something you are upset about, with kindness and humility.  It will go such a very long way.

None of us are perfect…not one single person.  But we all have the ability to make everyone we know (and even strangers) feel good and feel respected – all it takes is a drop of that golden honey. – BB


TBIF: Crack


“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

Leonard Cohen – Anthem

For this Thank Buddha It’s Friday (TBIF), I’m thankful for cracks.  For the little holes, spaces, fractures that allow the light to shine through.  For the imperfections in everything and everyone.  Is it not the best when the sun pierces through the clouds to shine its rays upon us?  Isn’t that the greatest reminder that darkness is fleeting…that the light will always, and I mean always, find its way through?

And why is that?  Because the light is meant to shine.  And so are you. – BB