Author: Liz


Get in….Get OUT!

I’m not big on endings…but getting in and getting out is a different story.

My friend Sheila was laughing about an expression I’ve used over the years….how I want to get in and out (of somewhere.)  I asked her if she could recall where it first originated, and she thinks it was in reference to auditions.  That angst…of getting there, trying to get seen, doing the audition and getting the hell outta there!

And it makes sense.  Nobody wants to prolong the agony of nerve wracking times – going to the dentist, a job interview, a move.  We want those times to be over…done…finito.  It’s not the same as wishing your life away, I see it more as wishing a few moments away here and there…nothing wrong with that.

Sheila and I applied this “theory” to the gym – the great feeling that comes across when your workout is OVER.  When that task is done and checked off the list.  It’s so hard to get through those doors sometimes, but walking out of a gym (or exercise facility) is endorphin heaven.

 There’s something to be said for brevity….get in, get out! 



Be – don’t try to become.  Within these two words, be and becoming, your whole life is contained.  (Being is enlightenment, becoming is ignorance.)

My friend passed this Buddhist quote by me today (by Osho) after reading one of my blogs.  (Cool that anything I say could possibly remind someone of a Buddhist ideal.)  And I love it and wanted to share it.

Everyone has their own interpretations of quotes and principles – none more correct than the other, as each is personal.  So to me, this idea is about the simplicity of being human.  That we are, by our very nature, good and whole without having to “become” something.  That we all should spend more time just “being” – that which we are…and finding peace within that. 

But I also think that becoming is part of the circle…each day we are becoming more enlightened, growing into the people we want to be.  Nothing wrong with that in my book.  I can’t help but use the reference of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly…naturally…as it was meant to.  Moving from one form to another.  Our life is contained within that arc – being who we are and becoming what we are meant to.

I sent my friend back a favorite “buddhist” quote of mine – “Do or do not.  There is no try.” – Yoda.
Okay, yes, I love Yoda, the tiny old sage from Star Wars fame.  He spouted the wisdom of the ages to masses of movie goers.  He taught everyday people that there was something bigger than us all…that we must believe in ourselves.  I love this quote because although we all know that failure is a part of our existence,  we must erase that notion from our minds in order to succeed.  When our internal voice say’s, “Ok, I’ll try” there is doubt seeping in.  Embracing confidence and belief that we can do anything we set our minds to, sows the seeds for growth and success.

Spiritual leaders and a little green puppet….who knew.



Perspective is everything.  And it is defined (per one dictionary source) as such:

1. a way of regarding situations, facts, etc, and judging their relative importance

2. the proper or accurate point of view or the ability to see it; objectivity: try to get some perspective on your troubles

When looking at a situation, we look at it through a distorted lens…that of our own eyes, which are colored by our experiences.  We find it hard to get perspective on so many aspects of our lives because we are immersed in them – we struggle to find the distance to step outside our vision, and see what’s factual, what’s truly real.  “Can’t see the forest for the trees” as the old expression goes.

It happens to us all.  From the richest to the poorest, the most powerful to the least – we can’t always see clearly.  Oftentimes, it is by accident that we gain perspective, after we’ve had something and lost it, or after something is brought to light by a friend or loved one.  And that is when retrospect comes into play…our ability to look back and see what’s left in the road behind us.

It reminds me of the lyrics in a Jackson Browne song – “…does it take a death to learn what a life is worth?”

Wouldn’t it help us all if we could learn this perspective skill without all the pain and fuss?  Learn to see AND appreciate what we have, what is before us or find ways to change it?

I usually recommend away from comparisons because they are often mired in faulty knowledge, but when it comes to gaining perspective, comparing can be a useful tool.  When a friend complains about their job, they can gain perspective by comparing the difficulties they face with those who are unemployed looking for work.  Gratitude comes into play when perspective is present.  In stepping back, and scanning the horizon, we can see the beauty and the big picture.  We can stand in humility and grace.  We can see the forest and the trees. 

As I walked in my apartment building the other day, my security guard/doorman Martin greeted me as always – and in our brief conversation, he said “Life is not a repeat” refering to something I must’ve said.  I lifted my finger as if an idea had struck me and replied “You’re right.”  It was life’s reminder that I should be grateful…and stand back and embrace the non-repeating nature of my pathway.


The Big C


Yes, coffee.
The smell of it, the sound of it perking, the warm, rich taste.  When did I become an addict?
I never drank coffee…until I went to Europe a number of years ago.  I got off the plane, in between flights, and decided to give it a try.  No reason in particular….just part of the adventure.
My parents never understood why I didn’t like the stuff – my dad even looked at me funny when I declared it wasn’t my thing.  This coming from parents that grew up on it – and I watched them drink it gloriously each night as they read all their newspapers.  Mom was a percolator gal – Farberware – she had that pot going every night.  And the glass coffeepot on the stove each morning was dad’s doing (mom worked nights.)  I recall dad forgetting the coffee one morning as he shaved and he ran to the kitchen to lift the pot, as the glass shattered.  He wasn’t happy.  No safety pots back then.  Little did I know a shard of glass could embed itself in the back of my head as I devoured my bowl of Captain Crunch.
But I’ve become a cappuccino lover…WHEN it’s made right.  Oh yes, I’m a snob about that….too many bad Starbucks versions (sorry Bucks lovers…everyone has their preferences.)  And I like regular coffee when I’m staying at friends homes or apts, on a weekend morning, when we are relaxing and chatting.  Coffee goes hand in hand with those types of mornings.  It’s my treat.  My little bit of luxury.
So when I saw this sign outside a great little coffee shop in Brooklyn near my friends apartment, I stopped and smiled.  They are right….Celebrate!! Coffee fixes things.  It does somehow.  It makes people stop for a second and relax…until the caffeine kicks in.