
Quotes that make me go Eeee…

“Whatever you are, be a good one.” – Abraham Lincoln

God, that Abe character knew what he was talking about, didn’t he? I heard this quote just this week…and although it is simple, it is powerful. I think it’s something we all want – to be a good one – a good parent, a good spouse, a good friend, a good worker. I know I do. I would like to be great, but I’ll take good. I want to do my best (although I have fallen short many times) but I know in my belly that I really do want to be “a good one.” And it doesn’t matter whether you are a chicken plucker (I don’t know where that came from) or a Shakespearian scholar (maybe there’s a chicken plucker scholar out there?), all that matters is that we try to do our best – to strive to be a good one. That is success.

Thank you Mr. Lincoln.

(ps I read this picture is the last portrait taken of Lincoln, 4 days before his assassination. Made me stop and pause.)