
Get in….Get OUT!

I’m not big on endings…but getting in and getting out is a different story.

My friend Sheila was laughing about an expression I’ve used over the years….how I want to get in and out (of somewhere.)  I asked her if she could recall where it first originated, and she thinks it was in reference to auditions.  That angst…of getting there, trying to get seen, doing the audition and getting the hell outta there!

And it makes sense.  Nobody wants to prolong the agony of nerve wracking times – going to the dentist, a job interview, a move.  We want those times to be over…done…finito.  It’s not the same as wishing your life away, I see it more as wishing a few moments away here and there…nothing wrong with that.

Sheila and I applied this “theory” to the gym – the great feeling that comes across when your workout is OVER.  When that task is done and checked off the list.  It’s so hard to get through those doors sometimes, but walking out of a gym (or exercise facility) is endorphin heaven.

 There’s something to be said for brevity….get in, get out!