
Which One Are You?

“Some drink deeply from the river of knowledge. Others only gargle.” – Woody Allen

So which one are you? A guzzler or a gargler?

Knowledge is an awesome thing.  One of the big reasons I created Buddha Balboa was my insatiable thirst for knowledge. I’m incredibly curious…about everything. (Well maybe not nuclear science or the inner workings of sanitation – no disrespect to either field intended.) My goal is to impart simple wisdom – and ideas to ponder – so that we may better understand ourselves and others as we venture through our lives.

It’s impossible to drink in everything we encounter (I sometimes feel there is only so much brain real estate available), so it is up to us to pick and choose what is important – do we guzzle or do we gargle? The river is deep. Stay hydrated. – BB

Quotable Abe

“Whatever you are, be a good one.” – Abraham Lincoln

God, that Abe character knew what he was talking about, didn’t he? I heard this quote recently…and although it is simple, it is powerful. I think it’s something we all want – to be a good one – a good parent, a good spouse, a good friend, a good worker. I know I do. I would like to be great, but I’ll take good.

And it doesn’t matter whether you are a chicken plucker or a Shakespearian scholar (maybe there’s a chicken plucker scholar out there?), all that matters is that we try to do our best – to strive to be a good one. That is where success lives.

Thank you Mr. Lincoln. – BB

(ps I read this picture is the last portrait taken of Lincoln, 4 days before his assassination – made me stop and pause.)


TBIF – here’s something to snack on this Thank Buddha It’s Friday.

“It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.” e.e. cummings

It does take courage doesn’t it? Courage to get up each day and face whatever the world throws your way…courage to be honest and true with oneself…courage to become the person you truly are. Sometimes we feel unsure – and in that case, I think it takes courage to find out. I want that courage.

Be yourself.  Feel good in your skin.  Know that who you are is good and strong and wise. – bb

(Now, get out of here and have some fun.) 



English: dollar,symbol,money,shadow,3d,render

English: dollar,symbol,money,shadow,3d,render (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“What’s the use of happiness?  It can’t buy you money.” – Henny Youngman